Partner Tattoo Time

Introducing the first ever: Partner Kit. This kit has enough for two people to safely poke. Just make sure that you throw everything out & pour new ink before starting the second person…

Stick and Poke (hand poke) history is steeped in partner tattooing. The culture is: late night bedroom boredom & feeling special. One step over a mani-pedi party, a stick and poke party is forever. That is, if you consider your skin life to be “forever.” News for ya: You are going to live triple digits max, and then that tattoo will return to it’s elements along with your stiff smelly body. In any case, it is pretty fun to do this sort of thing with a friend. Just the other day, I got a ladybug on my ankle my 4th date got a grounded symbol on hers. I hope she won’t electrocute me in […]


The Biology of Tattoos

This video explains why ink stays in the epidermis (skin) – and is not shed or taken away via the body’s reaction to it’s annoyance with foreign stuff in there. Have you thanked your macrophages & fibroblasts today? Also – why to wear sun screen to preserve your tattoos & the science of tattoo removal.

TED talks – just what you want to know and just how you want to learn it…check it out.



Want a kit? Cool! I am open to trades. I want people to have a kit if they want one – because that means they will do a safer tattoo. Dirty sewing needle? Don’t do it! Pen or printer ink? – No! So, yeah, if you have something to trade or barter, please send me an email with what you have.

Here are some things I’ve traded for:

-A box of collected skulls (cool!)

-A magical healing mixture box with essential oil, personalized journal, a precious stone necklace and kind wordsIMG_9539

-$38 worth at a local bar/restaurant

-Artwork (that I was interested in)

-Social networking promotions –  take like 6 good pictures of consenting people with hand poke tattoos. Add an interesting sentence about each and we call it an article. Send it over […]


Portrait of a Portraitier


Miss Amanda Arkansassy is the real deal. She was my first real SnP fan (besides friends & mothers who just support everything I do). When others could not imagine the purpose of a Stick & Poke Tattoo Kit – she excitedly told me that she loved it and would take one ASAP. She proceeded to have a Stick and Poke Themed Birthday. This badass southern belle may have given me the confidence I needed to get to where I am today (in my living room now with several paper cuts and ink stains) with over 250 kits sold worldwide in less than a year. I am very grateful to her.  She has most recently photographed my kits, bumping them up to Professional Status.
Let’s ask her more questions…

Q1: How do you Identify? What should I call you?

activist-artist-queer-southern-feminist-frequently in one helluva […]


Miley Cyrus Hand Tattoos

Sup y’all! Just some meaningless celebrity gossip to follow…


Miley Cyrus has 22 tattoooooss! Many of which are on her milky white paws. Maybe more  by now?! A day has passed, after all. No tattoo shaming going on here. I’m down with little permanent reminders of our crazy lives. You go grrl! I hope you are safe!

Here is the dish about all her tattoo meanings and shiiit. You can steal her style if you like. Or make your own!

If the huff post is talking about it, then it must be news, RIGHT?


Help! This guy has all Miley Cyrus themed tattoos! He hath no shame.


Spring Induced Liver Anger, HCV, prisons and you

By Nickie Nick and Gabe Barnow

“Spring-time is the time of the liver,” says my acupuncturist as I sip on my liver detox tea. What does that even MEAN? I exclaim through my modern science teacher lens?  She replies calmly, as if a sheer fact, “the emotion tied to the liver is anger.”

“Just as the sap of a tree reverses its directional flow upwards, our emotions also find their way to the surface and may explode forth more easily in the spring than at any other time of year.” –

I’m angry just thinking about the possibility of being angrier. Here’s the deal y’all: Yang energy is all up in everyone’s business in the spring when flowers are popping and qi (pronounced: chee) is swirling like mad making everything and everyone want to do the nasty or beat something up.

Do you make your own calendula balms and take a weekly trip […]


Stick and poke goes Green

When doing anything, I think of the plastic. On days that I listen to NPR, I tend to avoid buying some favorite foods – like Seaweed Snacks – because those fragile sheets of salty heaven are wrapped up like gold in a plastic Fort Knox. And for what? Give me flattened low calorie snackables and save the plastic for peaches and newborns and other bruising fleshy stuff.

I have a friend who is really nice (really really). You will stay on her sweet side so easily  if you avoid two things: dreads on white people (cultural appropriation) and single-use plastics. Do not give this grrl a plastic fork with her pad thai. Do not give her a straw with her whisky soda. Do not offer her a plastic bag for her Homies. It is for her and the dolphins (and the sea turtles) that I make an effort to minimize the […]

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