8 years of great reviews

I’m going to be honest about this one. We’ve had a few bad reviews. It’s always about shipping, and it’s often out of our hands. The USPS is not a perfect machine! But they are unionized and our friends, so we support them.

The GOOD news is that the quality of our products gets 5 stars pretty much every time. Don’t believe me, check out our User Generated Content to check!

Our community is amazing. They share their joy and artistry with us and the world!  Thank you!

Thousands of customers have tagged us in their creations over the past 8 years. Facebook and Instagram host most of the body art created by our superior custom inks (vegan, small batch, made in the west coast USA). Thanks for adding to the community and giving people an idea of how they can also […]


Tattooing with ashes: Q and A

Known as a “commemorative tattoo,” using the cremation ashes of a loved one to be physically integrated as part of your tattoo has always intrigued me. I decided to share what I had found out – and then we can consider how this could be applied to hand poking at home.

A Commemorative Stick and Poke tattoo…

AW! What a sweet way to remind yourself of a beloved person or pet…by carrying them with you, always! Become ONE with the being you loved. When I think of my kitty passing, I would jump at the chance to keep her with me in this special way. Maybe the most mini paw print outline?


How do you make the ink?

From what I gather on the internets, making this highly custom ink is a booming business. Strangely connecting two unlikely bedfellows – funeral homes and tattoo […]


How to stick and poke tattoo in 5 steps

At home hand poke tattooing is at once really easy AND really hard. It’s both very safe AND can be dangerous! The Complexity! No wonder people want to know how to stick and poke tattoo.

Stick & Poke Tattoo Kit® provides the most detailed, up to date information on how to tattoo in a little 42 page booklet – that has been updated yearly since 2015!  We also have a bunch of helpful videos. Our photo gallery and Instagram feed (below) showcase the wide variety of art that can be accomplished with needle and ink in 30-60 minutes.

40,000ish successful tattoos have been created with our kits!

Sometimes you just need to read the whole process in a few steps, so here are the basic instructions on how to give yourself a stick and poke tattoo at home.


Step 1. Create the […]


Donation Kit

The world might be ending! So…we have created a Donation kit for those angels among us whom are trying to do something good to slow the apocalypse – “one more generation!” ;-)

If you or your organization is holding a fundraising event and would like to make donation money off of a Free kit that you can use for a door prize, raffle or auction, click below. Value: $46.00.

Click here to read more and fill out the form. It will take you 1-5 minutes. ;-)


How do I use different tattoo needle sizes?

When it comes to tattoo needles – there are a lot to choose from! Each needle allows for getting the ink into the skin in a different way with various tattoo effects. In this post, we explore what the sizes mean and also the different ways each needle works on your skin. Keep in mind that this is an ever evolving and highly subjective topic. Tattoo artists use different needles based on their preference and style. Stick and Poke tattoos were historically done with needle and thread. Now we just use tattoo needles ;-)

Our new PRACTICE KIT includes an instructional poster that graphically explains some of this really nicely. Here is some more info:

Tattoo Needles Explained Easy

tattoo needle tattoo needle

Needle Types, General

RL = Round Liner –  for lining and […]


Questions and Answers about DIY tattoos

Earnest Questions with Earnest Answers…

Alex writes…

Hello!  I did some stick and pokes about 4 years ago with an India ink which I can’t remember the brand name of and a sewing needle.  They’re both about 2 inches circular (a sun and a moon) on my ankle.  Now back then there was little information about what inks to use, what needles were appropriate and how to sanitize needles; luckily I did not ever get an infection and the tattoos both came out pretty dark and faded a pretty blue-ish color.
Now what I’m wondering about is toxicity of India ink and chrome from needles, and how long it would take for effects to be considered benign or if there could be long term effects from some of those compounds.
I’m not sure that you all would have any information on this but figured I’d ask.  I would assume that if there was some […]


Practice Skin in Expert Kits

Practice Skin is now included in Expert Kits!

It is vegan friendly fake skin that allows you to practice using the stencil, the inks, the wipes and the needles! It is one way that professionals learn to tattoo. ALLERGY WARNING: IT IS MADE OF LATEX!

With it, you can…

  • practice home tattooing techniques on fake skin!

  • really do that one tattoo before you DO IT – do it.

  • practice stenciling & wiping on fake skin.

  • showcase your tattoo work on real practice skin!

▼   ▼   ▼   ▼    ▼    ▼

Thank you in advance!





1. This kit is dumb. Fuck you!

Use your words. I can’t tell what your problem actually is.

2. You’re probably selling to kids!

I work very hard to keep this kit away from those under 18. My payment does not allow funds from a person who is under 18. I market to only over 18 advertising on Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc.  If I suspect someone is not 18, I cancel the order. Packaging is plain, there is no fun mascot and there is no candy. I really wanted to put candy, because I like candy and it would be cool to have like a Swedish fish in there, but I don’t want kids to want it for the candy and slyly steal parent’s credit cards and then bribe the mailman in order to get the candy in the kit. This kit, I readily admit, […]


Who we give to and why

Although SnP is not a large company with hella employees, we still try to give some profits to good people.

Here are a few we have given to or currently give to:

Sea Shepards (all ebay orders give 10%) – boats protecting marine wildlife no holds barred.

Phat Beets Produce: Youth Supported Agriculture, The North Oakland Restorative Justice Council

Baton Rouge Legal Defense Fund (to support community members protesting police murders)

Black Lives Matter – an anti-racist movement

Standing Rock Standing Rock Sioux Tribe : No DAPL – Don’t pollute the waterways that give life.

Planned Parenthood – an organization serving men and women in the name of public health

& More….


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