I purchased one of your tattoo kits a few weeks ago, and I loved it! I have to say, I really appreciate the thought that was put into these kits, especially regarding safety. I finished my first tattoo, and now I’m hooked. I’m ready for the next one! Who knew that tattooing yourself could be so enlightening and fulfilling? I included a picture for you to see. I would love to order a second kit. Would it be possible to have it include a second needle? I found that with some inflammation it became increasingly difficult to keep the lines straight, and wanted to go back over it once the swelling went down. I of course did not want to use the same needle a second time, and was very mindful not to contaminate the ink. I kept everything very sterile, and have extra gloves at home.
Thanks so much for the opportunity and the experience!
Very best,
For you sweet man Dan from Denver, anything. And, YES – I will include more needles. I have gotten this request a lot lately, and I do understand that it is helpful to have more than one (perhaps a difference size as well for different thicknesses of lines) so, I will be putting two needles in my kits from now on. I am going to put a 3RL (3 little needles together – Round Liner), and a 5RL for thicker lines. One customer reported that the line is pretty small in comparison to a medium sized sewing needle.
Please dispose of needles properly (and immediately!) by putting them back in the original casing and taping that up, then putting it back in the box for disposal. A sharps disposal container is the best thing, of course.
Safe Poking!