Instagram is fun in 2014

Finally got our instagram account going (I blame my side profession [teacher] for the delay)โ€ฆ.follow us to see some SnPs from around the Bay Area. Also will be posting little helpful videos, etc.



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Holiday Sale!

Lucky/Unlucky days during the holidays are good times to make permanent marks (on oneself).

Order on or before 12/13/13 and get $7.00 off using this linkย here!

Kits cost $38 plus $4.00 shipping. Here you pay $35 for the whole shabang!

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Help! A Dirty Needle is Following Me Around!


A certain awesome community co-op and supportive arts space in Oakland, CA (called Rock Paper Scissors) has considered putting my product on the shelves โ€“ however they have a concern that I never considered until now. Of course! What to do with the dirty needle post tattoo?! Diabetics think of this after shooting up, as should we Stick and Pokers. After all, that is one super contaminated needle. There could be some live pathogens waiting to infect a perfectly healthy garbage collector or other waste materials intermediary. Health Care workers are on the front lines of Hepatitis C infection via accidentalย needle sticks. Eek. Donโ€™t be/cause a statistic.



Until I totally integrate a needle mail back program (difficult), please follow these instructions:

1. When done tattooing, replace needle into original needle package.

2. Wrap that up real [โ€ฆ]


A word about the Needles

My kits historically include a 3 Round Liner โ€“ meaning a long needle with three little needle heads all bunched up a the point. This is so that you can make a thick enough dot. Someone wanted 2 of these (see this post) so that they can come back the next day with a fresh needle on the same tatt. Your wish is my command, SnPers of the universe (such a bottom lately)! You get TWO needles now. Count em One Two. 2018ย UPDATE: You now get many needles of many sizes! See purchase page for specific kit information. Or read more about needle sizes here.

Recently, a frequent SnP-er friend of mine told me that he used my kit with a sewing needle (gasp!) because he wanted a thicker line (a bigger gauge sewing needle will do this โ€“ and deposit [โ€ฆ]


Andreas has mad skillz

A Stick and Poker in the UK (btw, we are huge in London), Andreas, has a really cool email address (it ends in .xxx. wtf!? awesome), and mad poking skillz. He sent me his creations done by the SnP kit. ย A, these are your first home tattoos? WOW! Bossโ€ฆ

Everyone: Please send your Safe SnP tatt pics to me for a discounted 2nd kit!

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For you Dan: Two Needles!

imageย Dan, I loved your letter to me, so I posted it. Your design and home tatt execution look sweet. So happy for you! ย This is why I make these kitsโ€ฆ <3

I purchased one of your tattoo kits a few weeks ago, and I loved it! I have to say, I really appreciate the thought that was put into these kits, especially regarding safety. I finished my first tattoo, and now Iโ€™m hooked. Iโ€™m ready for the next one! Who knew that tattooing yourself could be so enlightening and fulfilling? I included a picture for you to see. I would love to order a second kit. Would it be possible to have it include a second needle? I found that with some inflammation it became increasingly difficult to keep the lines straight, and wanted to go back over it once [โ€ฆ]


Poke Ouch! The Most Painful Areas for Tattooing

โ€ฆ.if you are into that sort of thing. Remember that the whole point of this kit is tattoo in the comfort of your own homeโ€ฆso, you may be able to โ€œuseโ€ the pain, if you catch my kinky drift. For the rest of you wimps (only kidding), use this chart as a guide. I KNOW you wanted that armpit ladybug tatt โ€“ looks like youโ€™re gunna have to earn it, soldier.



Blood Borne Pathogens: No Joke

We were all young once.

What a thrill it was to get cut up and bloody and then mash our dripping wound with a buddyโ€™s to show our undying loyalty, trust and bro-love (yeah, I never did that). A few friends of mine (who shall remain nameless) have a similar bloody pact with their SnP needles and ink. They SHARE. Gasp! Although I think they are real sweet stand-up people, I can only attribute this behavior to ignorance about a little thing called Biology. There also may be confusion about how BBPs spread from one person to another. I am a former HS biology teacher, so let me break it down foโ€™ ya.

cebc634286242a2c9003f427d5047036PEOPLE! We are not living in the 1800โ€™s when blood was a magical red fluid that played tricks on doctors. Oh, blood! What ARE you?! Theyโ€™d exclaim as they carted off [โ€ฆ]


Open letter to the precious tattoo artist

Ahhh the precious (read:alpha) tattoo artist. Poor guy. You know the one: he has full sleeves, wears dark denim, a bowler hat and shirts with classic muscle cars. He has some Harleyโ€™s Man facial hair and a bullied-as-a-kid, โ€˜fuck the world,โ€™white boy pseudo-artist attitude. An ego the size of my garden (i have several beds) that everyone who wants a little ink must endure. Heโ€™s a โ€˜sensitiveโ€™ (in a large anchor on the arm kind of way) dude in doc martens. ย These guys are funny because they thought they were all counter culture when they became a tattoo artists and now they are stuck working for the man and nagging SnP kids like a grandpa who wants you off his lawn. But he kinda wants you on his lawnโ€ฆwhat is grandpaโ€™s problem!?

IMG_2474I might be a lil mad because of the rambling [โ€ฆ]


Stick and Pokes: what and why – a short documentary

This is an pretty well-made short film on a few home tattooers โ€“ basically โ€“ what they got and why. One girl loves her โ€œSan Francisco tattoo.โ€ I enjoyed it. Please note that these tattoos were likely done in an unsafe manner, and that SnPTK recommends that you use sterile everything and that you follow precautions in order to minimize the risk of blood borne pathogens (who wants an angry liver for life? Not me!)


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