Free DIY Tattoo Instructional Booklet

DIY Tattoo Instructional Booklet

Oh HI! I’ve updated our free 30-page DIY tattoo instructional booklet. You can download it here:  Tattoo Book Insert.

There are some important changes including:

  1. Tattoo Instructions:  How to use the stencil paper & Stencil Stuff in the new kits
  2. Blood Borne Pathogens: These are really small.
  3.  Ideas: The suggestion to avoid designs and patterns from a culture different from your own (appropriation)
  4.  Info on the EXPERT KIT (more needles, more inks, oh my!)
  5. How most of our stuff is made locally. Also from recyclable, vegan, compostable, stuff made in the USA. We pay a living wage to all our part-time Independent Contractor Kit Makers.
  6. Pro Tips. Did you know that putting ointment on while poking will help keep the area free of ink puddles? Yer welcome. ;-) <3

Booklet Excerpt:

Some History on Natural Tattoos

The word tattoo was brought to Europe […]


More needle types for complicated DIY tattoos

We hear that people want to try more needle types in order to create a thicker line and do some other tricks. We are therefore phasing these into our EXPERT KIT. After your initial kit, you can get an Expert kit, which now contains three 7 Round Liners! That is seven little itty bitty needles mushed onto the needle shaft. These little ones hold ink and create a thicker line. (3 Round Liners are 3 little ones, 5 is five and so on…) Enjoy!

image of advanced stick and poke tattoo

Expert Kit // $ 42.00-$63.00

  • 9 needles ( 3 of each: 3RL & 5RL & 7RL)
  • One to five 1/2 oz.(15 mL) professional tattoo inks (color ink above).
  • 2 Packets natural aftercare balm – Hustle Butter™
  • 2 Stencil paper squares & 2 packets StencilStuff™ (vegan)
  • Mini glass ink jar & 2 ply poly-paper medical covering

how to use a stencil

Want a clear and clean tattoo? Stencil it.

Now in every kit:

  • 1 small packet of  Stencil Transfer Gel *
  • One  5.5 x 4 inch piece of Free-draw (not-thermal) Stencil Transfer Paper *

*These products are made for Professional Tattoo Artists & they are Vegan friendly, non-toxic & made in the USA!

We provide a rare stencil paper that shows up on all skin tones (most have purple tones and don’t show up on richer tones). More on tattooing dark tones here.  

Learn about or order a Tattoo Kit here

We are glad to FINALLY help all those people out there who can’t free hand poke a tattoo very nicely (I am one). Now, you (and I) can use this stencil to get an accurate line.

Here is how to use this stuff:

  1. Remove the white or off-white paper that is between the inky paper […]

Another contest – FREE STUFF GIVEAWAY

I find it very fulfilling to see the new body art people are making themselves…therefore we are having ANOTHER contest (as an excuse to do this). Check out some of these gems… ;-)
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“Top 3 Winners” – or those with the most “likes” on IG, will get: A Free SnP Hoodie, OR A Free Tattoo Kit OR One of every color Ink – (13 and counting now). Tattoo must be made using this tattoo kit. Must be 18 to enter. Winner decided on October 7th, 2015.


Poking in 2007 – Throw Back Thursday

We’ve come so far! Out with the old, in with the new….

This article, “Stick ‘n’ Poke” by Ben Cho in Vice is sweet & expresses the extra feels involved in home tattooing. I do not however recommend the materials nor method that they use espesh’ all the drug use. Regardless, tattoo result is quite nice – and fine lettering is hard to do. I hope that future tattoos by Ben and Alexis can be done more safely.

Check out my kit and the instruction manual there within….:-D

Ben: “Whenever I’ve tattooed someone, I feel as though it creates a unique bond.”

Alexis: “I’m really happy with my new tattoo and I feel great. It’s like endorphins are shooting out of my body. I feel like going out and […]



I do get hate mail. It is usually claw dragging professional tattoo shop owners who type a form of caveman hater, “you, die, now,” with little further explanation. I expect that these guys have very unhappy partners, or none at all.

However, I recently got an email from a father from Scotland who was pee-oed by a stick and poke tattoo – namely the new one on his 16 year old son. A kit was somehow sold to his son’s friend who then gave him the tattoo. I feel his pain. My intention is never to assist in under age tattoos. I take great measures to prevent these kits from being sold to minors. In my online check out, there is a restriction on credit card holders who are under 18. It is also written everywhere, in the sales agreement, and stores that sell my kits must card the buyer. This does […]


Hustle Butter After Care Balm

Now a new better after care is in each kit!!! It is vegan and cuddly…

HUSTLE BUTTER: Now included in our kits

HUSTLE BUTTER DELUXE® is a 100% vegan REPLACEMENT, for all petroleum based products, used as tattoo lubricants BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the tattoo process… TO TATTOO AND HEAL!!! Made from mango, coco, papaya and Shea butters, it brings tremendous amounts of benefits: It will NOT remove stencils. NO more petroleum! HBDlx® Promotes healing upon contact, MINIMIZES redness, swelling and bleeding. Skin remains workable: no more over worked highlights, yellows & whites go in the first time, color never went in so easy. Used in place of petroleum based products, HUSTLE BUTTER DELUXE® will heal fresh tattoos quicker with results that are unmatched…results that last a LIFETIME…

Just watch them hustle:

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