A word about the Needles

My kits historically include a 3 Round Liner – meaning a long needle with three little needle heads all bunched up a the point. This is so that you can make a thick enough dot. Someone wanted 2 of these (see this post) so that they can come back the next day with a fresh needle on the same tatt. Your wish is my command, SnPers of the universe (such a bottom lately)! You get TWO needles now. Count em One Two. 2018 UPDATE: You now get many needles of many sizes! See purchase page for specific kit information. Or read more about needle sizes here.

Recently, a frequent SnP-er friend of mine told me that he used my kit with a sewing needle (gasp!) because he wanted a thicker line (a bigger gauge sewing needle will do this – and deposit […]


Poke Ouch! The Most Painful Areas for Tattooing

….if you are into that sort of thing. Remember that the whole point of this kit is tattoo in the comfort of your own home…so, you may be able to “use” the pain, if you catch my kinky drift. For the rest of you wimps (only kidding), use this chart as a guide. I KNOW you wanted that armpit ladybug tatt – looks like you’re gunna have to earn it, soldier.



Blood Borne Pathogens: No Joke

We were all young once.

What a thrill it was to get cut up and bloody and then mash our dripping wound with a buddy’s to show our undying loyalty, trust and bro-love (yeah, I never did that). A few friends of mine (who shall remain nameless) have a similar bloody pact with their SnP needles and ink. They SHARE. Gasp! Although I think they are real sweet stand-up people, I can only attribute this behavior to ignorance about a little thing called Biology. There also may be confusion about how BBPs spread from one person to another. I am a former HS biology teacher, so let me break it down fo’ ya.

cebc634286242a2c9003f427d5047036PEOPLE! We are not living in the 1800’s when blood was a magical red fluid that played tricks on doctors. Oh, blood! What ARE you?! They’d exclaim as they carted off […]


In Stores Now!

Yaay. Praxis, dubbed: “a sweet community space and good-stuff shop,” is now (drum roll) carrying the Original Stick and Poke Tattoo Kit!  This place is real cool for several reasons. Just look at their awesome quilt flag and ‘plants for donation,’ cart out front.  :-D

Jimmy on Yelp says, “Praxis is a wonderful concept–so hard to put into words. Sort of an artist coop, sort of community center, sort of learning-by-doing, DIY workshop place. It’s a wonderful place to trade ideas and share your craft with others, and contribute to the community.”

I agree.

Pic: Co-owner Aerin (left) with my kit and local seamstress. 3047 24th St, San Francisco, California.

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True Story: Stick and Poke Lyrics on a Butt Cheek

Have you ever seen the angel named Mykki Blanco? She might be in disguise in her track pants. At a recent (amazingballs) concert in SF, I felt the presence of this angel. I even touched her salty sweaty skin! My bold friend Hannah (below) gave the angel a kit. I was too shy. While rapping, Mykki picked it out of her entranced, swaying, offering hand and put it gently on an amp. A few days later, Ms. Blanco tweeted this picture:


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To answer some of your questions…

I am not a professional tattoo artist (yet), merely a Stick and Poke Safety Advocate (Harm REDUX!). I found some info that might help some of you out there regarding tattooing, inks & skin behavior. I got this information from the Spirit Galley Tattoo (located in Connecticut, USA) Web Page. I think this tattoo artist knows what they are talking about.

{NOTE: I JUST interviewed a local professional stick and poker and got some more helpful hints and tips – see that interview here.}

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“How is the tattoo applied, and how do people react to tattoo ink over time?Getting a tattoo is permanent, and has some serious implications that you may want to be aware of. While most of the […]

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