Awhile ago we asked a new hand-poke tattoo artist how she got into hand poking. From her Instagram work below, you can see she is a skilled creative artist. Read more about Ellie Reynoso (@inkandmagickstudio) in our short interview.
When/how did you get interested in stick and poke tattooing or hand-poke style?
I’ve always had an interest in tattooing. Many people would tell me that my drawings looked like tattoos. And I didn’t really see it at first because that wasn’t my intention. But as I was looking at artists and learning I found myself inspired by many tattoo artists. Handpoke tattoo seemed more approachable to being my practice.
What materials/brands do you like to use for your tattoos?
The first time I decided to really do it I did some research and found the Stick and Poke Tattoo Kit website and ordered a kit. I think that was the best decision I made to learn about tattooing. The kit had everything I needed to do a tattoo safely at home. I then continued using some of the brands that came with the kit. Like bloodline ink, needles, stencil stuff , as well as hustle butter. I love that the kit chose vegan brands.
Why do you tattoo?

3D tattoo
I am a visual artist and so expression of self is something I grew up embracing. It was inevitable for me to be attracted to tattoos. It’s become a way to visually show what you’re about. Or also just have some sick tattoos. I especially think hand poked tattoos have a greater meaning and I think I’ll just stick with machine free tattooing.
What makes a good tattoo experience, in your opinion?
Well when I was tattooing one of my friends she told me that she felt so taken cared of and was glad we were taking the same precautions as one would in a tattoo shop. And I was glad she felt that way. I learned how to keep it safe and sanitary thanks to the kit.
About how many tattoos have you done total in life?
I started doing handpoked tattoos in October 2016, and so far I have done about 25 tattoos [This number may now be higher].
How many tattoos do you have?
20 [also may be higher]
Any pro-tips you have to share with stick and pokers around the world to help them with technique?
I feel holding the needle at a sort of 45 degree angle helps. Definitely stretch the skin, and just have fun
For your style of tattoo, what are your go-to needle types/sizes?
I like doing bold lines, like I draw, so I have mostly been using 5RL [5 Round liners are included in every kit we sell]
Where are you located and how do people get in touch with you for a tattoo booking or consultation?
I’m in Brooklyn, NY. You can email me at Ellie.reynoso@gmail.com or check my Instagram: @inkandmagickstudio

Gubler Tattoo
See more stick and poke artist work on our photo gallery page.