Video on How to stick and poke tattoo and inks

Learn from Naz about “Tattoo inks” and color mixing! Learn tips and tricks on “How to stick and poke tattoo” from Eden!

These are part of an 8 video series designed to education people about stick and poke culture, safety and supplies. Filmed in Oakland and San Francisco, California. Click below to watch our newest 2 releases! Subscribe to our channel here.


How To Tattoo Instructional Videos

It’s finally time for us to roll out our series of home tattoo instructions! Stick and poke can be done safely at home – our kits (since 2013) have shown that to be true. Watch our lovely actors in Oakland and San Francisco, California educate you about some important tattoo topics.

Supplies in the videos are in our harm reduction product.

Below are two videos: How to use a tattoo stencil and how to safely remove gloves!

We will be posting many more videos this week including:

+ How to Stick and poke tattoo
+ How to care for your new tattoo
+ Tattoo safety
+ How to remove gloves
+ How to use a tattoo stencil
+ Why do you stick and poke? We interview our actors.
+ Stick and poke Tattoo Inks
+ All about tattoo needles



Green Business Article

Thank you to the Chic Ecologist for posting my article about being a Green Business in 2019… !!!


It’s hard to be fully “green” in today’s global economy. As a reseller, I create a web of buying and selling that spans the globe. I do not meet most of the people whom I purchase from and sell to. What can we know about each other? Where do these products originate? Who made them, of what are they composed? Where does my product, once used, end up? This is determined by the push and pull of a global economy – which is affected by currency, trade agreements, labor laws, environmental regulation, politics, race, and all is rooted in a history of colonialism.


I do call my business “green”, and loosely “fair trade”. That is because I am as […]


Hand Poke Submissions Winners

Thank you to all our community members who submitted work to our Photo Gallery & Submissions page. We post nice shots of home artists who submit pics of their home hand pokes. A lot of these have been done using our kits and supplies!

NOTE: However you do hand poke, please do it safely. Our blog and our free downloads can help you stay safe in your process, with our kit, or with your own supplies!

Winners (below) are determined through number of likes & reblogs on our  Submissions Tumblr page ;-) .   The next count will be in a few months, and will include submissions from all of 2019. Submit yours today or go and vote for your favorites!

Dearest Winners, We will try to slip you a DM on tumblr (if you submitted under an account), or feel free to reach out to us (with your mailing […]


10 SUPER #handpoke artists to follow

There are tons of reasons to follow #stickandpoke tattooers on Instagram! They’re an eclectic and talented bunch of artists, weirdos, and activists from all over the world, connecting to the art form in a myriad of ways. They each have intriguing reasons to compile and showcase their #handpoked tattoos on the gram, whether their stick and poke practice seems to be more therapeutic both to them personally and to their communities, or because they’re using a more accessible tattooing method to make their $$$ in an impossible socio-economy, or because they are radicals using #machinefree tattoos to resist the oppressive racist & heteropatriarchal capitalism under which we are all forced to struggle and create.

I’ve compiled a list of stick and poke artists below, all of whom I’m intrigued or inspired by. There’s […]


Artist Spotlight – Ink and Magick Studio

artist artist

Awhile ago we asked a new hand-poke tattoo artist how she got into hand poking. From her Instagram work below, you can see she is a skilled creative artist. Read more about Ellie Reynoso (@inkandmagickstudio) in our short interview.

When/how did you get interested in stick and poke tattooing or hand-poke style?

I’ve always had an interest in tattooing. Many people would tell me that my drawings looked like tattoos. And I didn’t really see it at first because that wasn’t my intention. But as I was looking at artists and learning I found myself inspired by many tattoo artists. Handpoke tattoo seemed more approachable to being my practice.

What materials/brands do you like to use for your tattoos?

The first time I decided to really do it I did some research and found the Stick and Poke Tattoo Kit website […]


Are stick and pokes dangerous?

We’ve written here before about the “sterility” and physical safety of do-it-yourself stick and poke tattoos. I wanted to tackle a different topic today… a topic I love… the topic of emotional safety.


woman with tattoos Photo by Timothy Paul Smith on Unsplash

Of course, emotional safety is far more subjective and contextual than physical safety – you can tell whether you have an infection pretty easily, but it can be much more difficult, and far more personal, to gauge your level of emotional safety. It depends on a lot of factors – how you define emotional safety for yourself, to what degree you see your physical & mental safety as intertwined with your emotional safety, and how much risk you feel good to undergo for some result that will bring you emotional fulfillment in the future.

So what’s the deal with stick and […]

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