Do you have stick and poke tattoo skills? This is the world’s original single stick and poke tattoo kit. This kit includes everything needed for someone with some experience under their belt.
- 1/2 oz. professional tattoo ink – Choose between 1 to 6 colors
- 3 sterile 3RL (round liner) tattoo needles
- 3 sterile 5RL (round liner) tattoo needles
- 3 sterile 7RL (round liner) tattoo needles
- 1 sterile 9RL (round liner) tattoo needle
- 1 sterile 5RS (round shader) tattoo needle
- 1 sterile 7RS (round shader) tattoo needle
- 1 sterile 5M1 (shader) tattoo needle
- 1 sterile 7M1 (shader) tattoo needle
- 1 sterile 4/5 Flat tattoo needle
- 2 mini glass ink jars
- 1 pair of latex-free biodegradable medical gloves
- 1 medical surface covering
- 2 packets of green soap
- 2 alcohol pads
- 1 fiber blend cloth wipes
- 3 square derma shield second skins
- 2 1/2oz tins of natural aftercare balm
- 1 stencil paper square
- 2 packets of stencil transfer gel
- 1 4″x3″ practice skin
- {For every added Ink, you get another ink jar!}
All products are the highest quality USA professional tattoo industry supply and vegan/vegan friendly.